Bobby Hundreds on The Metaverse
Bobby just dropped a monologue, and you should read it.

Bobby is probably the leading commentator, IMHO, on all things related to what is commonly referred to as street fashion. And that’s because as well as being intrinsically embedded in the heart of the culture he also does his research and is an exemplary crafter of narratives.
He has just posted a long form article on The Hundreds site which you can read in full HERE which covers multiple angles from both his own experiences as well as bringing in references from as far apart as The Matrix (obvs), punk, Greta Thunberg, the Codex Seraphinianus and of course, Snow Crash.
I have known Bobby from the relatively early days of The Hundreds and we talked about an earlier incarnation of BNV almost 3 years ago and more recently when NFTs started to make headlines at the beginning of the year. As always he has really hit the nail on the head with this monologue. And thanks for the name check bobbyhundreds.eth and here's to the success of the Bomb Squad