BNV Launches New Fashion Rating Game in ME:ID
Check out the exciting new rating game from BNV! Now, users can hop over to ME:ID and rate the weekly styled avatar entries to win BNV's pre-token; Fa$h Cred.

Rate looks, guess the weekly winner, and win Fa$h Cred!
Check out the exciting new rating game from BNV! Now, users can hop over to ME:ID and rate the weekly styled avatar entries to win BNV's pre-token; Fa$h Cred.
Just show some love to your favorite looks with our flaming emojis, and you could be the next winner! Don't miss out on the fun – start rating now! 🚀💰
About the submitted entries:
- This is a game to place flames on eye-catching styles put together by users using our interactive avatar wardrobe, and win rewards. Each style may feature stickers, graphics, AI-prompted skins, and wearables crafted with renowned fashion brands, artists, and our own highly talented meta-tailor 3D team.
- There are weekly contests and periodic special contests with various grand prizes given to those who submit the best digital look in the specified time frame according to individual contest rules. These prizes are separate from rewards given when you rate entries on the contest rating pages.
- You may check the “Style contest” section in your account tab to submit your own entry.
Rating with “flames” on submitted entries:
1 - You will be rewarded individually for your participation in rating other user’s entries on the rating page.
2 - You will be given 50 ‘Flames’ per contest to rate with, and each flame is worth an amount of fa$h cred (e.g. 100 fa$h cred per flame)
- The value of each flame varies depending on the contest. It is called the “base flame reward”. Check each contest description to see the base flame reward.
- This base flame reward helps calculate winnings for both the rater and ratee after the entry rating period is over (see point 4 below).
- Contest winnings may come from the BNV ecosystem fund, or from contest sponsors.
3 - Each entry can receive a maximum of 10 flames at the start. Once a submission has at least 10 ratings, you will be prompted to select a minimum rating - the lowest rating it has so far received MINUS 1.
- E.g. For the first 10 ratings that the submission receives, you can rate anything from 1-10.
- At the 11th rating, if there have been five 5-flame and five 10-flame ratings, the lowest rating is 5. So you would be prompted to rate at least 4 flames.
4 - Win fa$h rewards as a rater!
- For rating on a winning entry, you will win the base flame reward x a multiplier x the number of flames you rated
- For example, if the base flame reward for a contest is 100 fa$h cred, the multiplier is 200 and you rated 10 flames on an entry that wins, you will receive:
100 x 200 x 10 = 200,000 fa$h cred - For rating in on other non-winning submissions, you will receive get the base flame reward of 10 fa$h cred per flame you have used to rate.
5 - You do not have to use all 50 flames in each competition cycle. However, you will not receive fa$h for the flames you did not use.
6 - Even though the number of flames you and any other raters give for each entry does not influence whether or not the entry wins, it can ultimately signal to the submitter and everyone else (fashion partners, communities, etc.) a certain amount of credibility given to the individual effort to put together a creative look.
7 - This guide to the rating system is subject to change shall the BNV team deem it necessary.
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