Wear The Indestructible
The Nomad(e) NFT is a digital-wearable version of the original physical product, and carries over into the metaverse the same properties that make it radically popular jacket in real life.
In both the physical and digital, it is a high tech performance hybrid that combines the elements of an emergency jacket, an E.D.C. (everyday carry) gear and a windbreaker, with its proprietary Graphene caged membrane. It is fully waterproof and breathable.

The Nomad(e) Jacket
The Nomad(e) jacket is a high tech performance hybrid that combines the elements of an emergency jacket, an E.D.C. (everyday carry) element and a windbreaker. A Graphene empowered “caged” membrane brings increased levels of warmth and durability at no expense of weight and portability, and it is fully waterproof and breathable. The metaverse wearables of the Nomad(e) Jacket extends its real world high-performance to a whole different dimension on this new world.
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NFT Perks
1. About Graphene-X
2. How Much Is The Public Sales Mint?
3. How much is the gas fee?
4. Which NFT will I get?
Join Our Fashion Metaverse.
We are building an entirely new society, where the value we provide to our growing community is true, transparent and secure ownership of high value digital assets and opportunities in the form of fashion NFTs by established brands and designers.
Brand New Vision is a fashion-first NFT platform turning NFT ownership into unique brand experiences. We are building the world's most advanced digital NFT wardrobe and making fashion NFTs wearable in the metaverse.